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Orient Area Betterment & Improvement Corporation

Welcome to the internet home of Orient Area Betterment & Improvement Corporation. OABI is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that coordinates and encourages community development to improve the quality of life in our small town. We also market our community to businesses, developers, and interested individuals; and are the parent organization of the annual Pumpkin Days festivities.
As a non-profit, we are primarily funded by the generosity of interested individuals and groups who wish to see our community thrive and improve. Donations may be tax deductible. Please contact a board member if you are interested in assisting us in our mission.
OABIC also manages The Orient Fund, which you can find out more about by clicking on the logo below.
Check back often for updates to our current projects and announcements of our new projects!


Our Board of Directors

Please feel free to contact any of the members of our Board of Directors with any questions, or to make a donation. We currently have one board vacancy. Please speak with a board member if you're interested.


Ryan Frederick, President

Ryan is the owner of Frederick, LLC, parent company of Frederick Real Estate Services, a real estate appraisal firm based in Orient. 


Becky Kramer, Secretary & Treasurer

Becky is the owner/operator of Kramer's Cafe, on the corner of First and Broad Streets in Orient. 


Clark Dolch

Clark is the local manager for Farmers & Merchants State Bank in Orient.


Matt Swanson

Matt lives in Orient and works for Northwest Financial Corporation as a Network Administrator.

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